The Owl Works

privacy policy
[created 29 May, 2022]
TL;DR - we don't collect and we never sell
See below for details, where we say more formally that The Owl Works website only uses "essential cookies". All others are disabled by default, and we recommend you leave it that way. Honestly, even if you did enable the marketing, functional, and analytics cookies, we'd never use them. If you want The Owl Works to know you visited and would like to discuss how we can be of service, send us a note via the contact form on the homepage or drop an email to
If you do contact us, we will only use the information we will have through our communication to discuss what you contacted us about, and subsequently to provide any services you decide to engage. We will not sell your information to anyone, and we will not disclose information to other entities without your consent.

Essential Cookies
These are needed to make the website work, our hosting provider (Wix) needs them so you can visit us.
Marketing Cookies
We don't use these. If we did we would be able "to track advertising effectiveness and deliver better ads". We don't do that.
Functional Cookies
We don't use anything complex to build our web experience, so we don't need these either. We personalize your experience when you ask for services, not before.
Analytics Cookies
We hope your interaction with the website is a happy one. We don't collect cookies to find that out.